Thursday, February 26, 2009

ACK! I've Got the Peat Pellet Blues

Ok so I'm all excited this morning about my peat pellets! Growth was happening and I nearly peed my pants. I CAN grow stuff!

Well, this afternoon, I ran into my first gardening quirk and I'm only three days into this gardening thing. Not a fantastic beginning lol. Experiment I keep chanting... Experiment!

About 4ish I'm looking at the third peat pellet thingy (this one has 72 in it, but the others have much larger pellets and there are only 16 pellets to the tray) and there appears to be some white/grey mold stuff on the tops of my pellets. No growth on those, just moldy looking stuff. It's almost like a fuzz. I don't want FUZZ! I want healthy little green sprouts!

Being the google whore that I am, I searched and searched for what this could be. So far it boils down to this:

1) I've over-watered and kept the stupid dome on too long (it's only been like 3 days)

2) That white/grey stuff is actually germination

3) They were just crap to begin with and I should toss them out and start over!

I think what I'm going to do is take off the dome and put that tray in a warmer place. I don't have fluorescent lights in the house (might invest this weekend) so I'll have to stick this tray closer to the slider door to get more sunlight too.

Then if something doesn't sprout in the next day or so and that moldy looking stuff is still there, I read to spray with hydrogen peroxide diluted in water to kill it.

If that doesn't work, I'm going to toss this batch (salvage any that I can) and start over with the bigger peat pellets that I haven't had a problem with. This kind of pissed me off to say the least. The 16-pellet trays are doing wonderfully... why o why is this 72-pellet tray giving me the blues!?!?

I'll take a picture in the morning so I can monitor their progress. Hopefully I'll be able to save these little guys. Time for bed. I'll probably have nightmares about the peat pellet blues! :(

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